Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I Should Be Working.

It's the last week of Joan's classes, and therefore the last Tuesday night I'll have an excuse to sit at a Starbucks for three hours, snarfing caramel macchiatto and writing stuff. Which is good, because at the moment I'm not writing stuff. Well, I've been not-writing stuff for the last hour and a half, unless you call trolling the CNN chat boards on the stories about Prop. 8 and birth control writing. I guess it involves some typing, usually in short choppy sentences like "You're an idiot." That's writing like Dr. House's dialogue is talking.

Note: Trolling CNN chat boards is nothing a decent Buddhist, or a decent human being, ought to be doing. I'm a little embarrassed that I do this. It's the intellectual equivalent of throwing rocks at a hornet's nest. Well, a very small hornet's nest, populated by intellectually challenged hornets that tend to pop out once in a while and yell at you versus flying over to sting you. Yes, I know I should stop. Well, I will when I'm ready. I can quit whenever I want.

For the record, I wasn't terribly surprised by the 9th Circuit's decision on Prop. 8. I also wasn't terribly surprised to find out I'm still married, which, apparently, I am. And I'm not terribly surprised that the usual people raised their voices and made the usual arguments about judicial activism and blah blah blah, and that the Supreme Court will correct this critical error in jurisprudence, and besides, Mitt Romney can use the whole thing as a talking point. Well, just for the record, I don't think the Supreme Court's even going to hear it. All the lower court decisions went the same way, there's no other circuit court ruling that goes against it (no "jurisdictional split," as the expression goes) and basically, there's no controversy. Nothing for them to do, really. Besides, it's about marriage, which is a state court issue. Federal courts hate state court issues. That's why they didn't hear the Terri Schiavo case, even after Congress told them they had to. (And their answer was basically, "No, we don't. F___ off.") I think it would be fabulous if everybody who's been waiting for this big smackdown with John Roberts and the Supremes got this little scrap of paper that said "Certiorari denied." It would serve them right. People always think their controversies are such a big deal. Twenty years from now we'll be trying to explain to our grandkids why this was such a big deal, kind of like how my mom and dad tried to explain to me why it used to be illegal for black folks and white folks to marry each other.

Anyway, I should be working and I'm not. I've kind of ground to a halt again. Today I got a rejection letter from an agent I don't even remember writing to, and when you're getting rejected by total strangers, brother, you have Issues. Gesundheit. Okay, one might point out they're all total strangers, but I write them nice letters. Usually. I'm not sure about this one. I don't remember writing her a nice letter.

There's also this whole birth control thing. It's 2012, is it not? (Yes, all of history is happening all at once, but that's just theoretical.) I realize I live in Texas, but I thought it was at least the early 1990s here. Would somebody please explain to me the problem with birth control being freely available to anybody who wants it? Isn't that, like, a positive development? Plenty of stupid people are having children (trust me, I've been on airplanes with them). Putting a stop to that should get somebody the Nobel Peace Prize. Instead we've got those other guys, the ones I'm not voting for, ranting and raving. The one guy, Obamney, er, I mean Romney, is saying that it's a "violation of conscience" to make Catholic hospitals cover birth control for their employees. To which I say, look; you want federal money, you play by federal rules. You don't want to accept Medicare and Medicaid, you can do whatever you want. And don't get me started on Santorum; he's just a psychopath, and the less said about him the better. Newt Gingrich--Well, Rick Redfern from "Doonesbury" said it best; "What if we wake up one morning to a country run by Newt Gingrich?" His wife said, "Sounds like a creature from 'Dune.'" And Rick said, "Honey, if anything happens to me, you must tell our son about Adlai Stevenson."

But, as I mentioned, I'm supposed to be working. This isn't exactly getting any work done.

Um. Unless blogging counts?

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